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Free Up Your Energy with TRE & Reiki!

Are you in the midst of a transition, or want to make a change (health, career, relationship) to experience more fulfillment and joy, but when it comes to moving forward, the following fears arise?

  • Freezing, and the fear won’t have choices 

  • Rejection, and the fear you won’t be supported

  • Failure, and the fear you’ll make all the “wrong” decisions

  • Conflict, and the fear you’ll be misunderstood, criticized, or judged

If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. This list of fears are common to those who are empathic and/or highly sensitive, and naturally arise as one gains clarity on the environments, relationships, and experiences that are more energetically aligned with their true needs and desires. 

At some point on the journey, however, you’ll find that the pain of the known becomes more pronounced (e.g., frustrating physical symptoms, overwhelm, anxiety, exhaustion, isolation, confusion on next steps...) than the fear of the unknown, and you commit to making some changes. 

As you commit to tuning into what you need and desire, there’s two modalities that can offer support and help you expand out of the fears that can hold you back from creating the life you want to live:

  • Tension Release Exercise (TRE®) is for anyone* who wants to release what’s keeping them contracted, and on alert, so they can move forward in a more empowered way. Developed by Dr. David Berceli, Ph.D., over a million people worldwide have been taught the seven simple exercises designed to activate our body’s natural reflex mechanism of shaking/vibrating, thereby releasing deep areas of muscle tension, calming the nervous system, and restoring wellness. TRE® offers self-administered and self-regulated practice that enhances body awareness, thereby increasing the level of trust we have in ourselves to respond to change—and ultimately build more resilience. 

  • Reiki is an energy technique that promotes relaxation, and restores balance. Anyone on a self-care, or mindfulness path, will especially appreciate the energetic support that Reiki offers. 

If you’d like to learn more, please join Kelly C. Mullen, Reiki Master and TRE® Provider on February 2, 2023 from 6-7:30pm MST at Una Vida in Niwot, CO.

During the event, you’ll be able to view demonstrations of the TRE® exercises, participate in related self-care activities, and determine the ways in which you can incorporate TRE® into your life so you can heal the triggers that keep you stressed and on alert. In addition, you’ll have an opportunity to experience the healing energy of Reiki so you can leave the event feeling relaxed and uplifted!

*Note: TRE® is not intended for those who are pregnant, or have had back/abdominal surgery in the past three months.

About Kelly


As owner of Whole-Self Wisdom, Kelly is passionate about supporting those who want to experience relief from overwhelm, tension, and exhaustion. Whether it’s through private coaching/facilitating energy healing, or facilitating groups/speaking engagements, she creates and holds a space for them to know the power they hold to free up their energy and create a life of connection, fulfillment, and joy.

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