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Tibetan Cranial Lecture & Demo

About Tibetan Cranial:

Tibetan Cranial carries the potential of transformation for all aspects of the human experience.

Known traditionally as “Thoba Khujatag” or skull moving, Tibetan Cranial historically developed and was nurtured in Tibetan monastic environments. It nearly became extinct during the Chinese invasion of Tibet, but the oral tradition survived and has been passed directly from teacher to apprentice over thousands of years. Tibetan Cranial is not merely a study of anatomy; it is a sacred knowledge with a rich and ancient history. Instead of merely working with symptoms or imposing a temporary fix, TC can initiate or boost the recipient’s own innate healing capacity, leading to a more complete and deep level of healing. The experience is navigated purely through pulse diagnosis and mantra, and the pulse reading and other point work techniques are unique to Tibetan Cranial.

When Shar Lee (Lineage Holder and Master Teacher) was first learning the work from her teacher Lama Dorje, she found that the work had these physical components: “taking the pulses, moving the cranial bones in specific ways and sealing the cranium when the work was finished. Everything else was progressively more subtle and out of the realm of language”. 

Tibetan Cranial has been supportive in the recovery of many conditions that impact health—even those conditions which elude conventional identification. These include but are not limited to headaches; migraines; back and neck pain; whiplash; head injury; concussion; traumatic brain injury (TBI); stress-related conditions; anxiety; depression; Multiple Sclerosis; Parkinson’s; trigeminal neuralgia; tremors; seizures; other nervous system disorders; TMJ pain and other jaw-related issues; tinnitus/ringing of the ears; sleep disorders; sinus problems; hormone imbalances; autism; chronic pain; connective tissue disorders; and more. Others have reported gaining more clarity of thought, insight into past traumas, and increased ability to work with emotional challenges.*

*  Please note: no scientific studies have been performed to evaluate the effects of Tibetan Cranial. The information provided here is anecdotal, based on statements from people who have received Tibetan Cranial. We are not making any medical or scientific claims regarding Tibetan Cranial.

February 2

Free Up Your Energy with TRE & Reiki!

February 11

Experience Tibetan Cranial