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Family / Systemic Constellations Workshop

This monthly Family Constellation workshop will focus on two clients with a question about an issue in their life—something that no matter what they do seems to continue. It can be related to health, finances, relationships, the sense of well-being, sense of belonging—really any every day issue that even with therapy or self help or religion or spiritual practices does not seem to lessen or go away.

Family/Systemic Constellation work is not about psychology; it is not therapy. Family/Systemic Constellation heals at the soul level. It looks at how family wounds get passed from generation to generation—how you get caught up in this an how you can heal. The energetics of these wounds is what is addressed. It is different than healing the mind and body and is a necessary part to have completion about some challenging aspects of life. These energies are taken on out of love for our ancestors and with love, we can eventually give back what is not ours.

Family/Systemic Constellations draws on elements of family systems therapy, existential phenomenology and Zulu beliefs and attitudes to family.  In a single session, a Family/Systemic Constellation attempts to reveal an unrecognized dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve deleterious effects of that dynamic by encouraging through representation, to encounter and accept the factual reality of the past- to see, feel, experience something in a new way. Remember, this is soul-based, not mental or psychological.

What happens is that people show up with love in their hearts to support what is happening for the focus person. If you are present, you may be picked to support as a person representing the lineage, an energy, an archetype; or you may end up being a compassionate witness. This is a dynamic process, and most often, all participants receive a gift of some sort.

Una Vida is committed to bringing this modality to the area.

No experience needed.

Cost: $20-Limited to first 20 people

Register through your Una Vida App or click here.

If you are interested in becoming the focus client, please contact Rates will be discussed with the facilitator.

March 16

Sound Bath

March 23

Introduction to Family/Systemic Constellations Work