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Embodied Leadership

Embodied Leadership: A System Look at Increasing Your Impact in the World

Do you see the next level possible for your impact in the world, and know that you’ll need to step outside your comfort zone and effectively work with others to get there.

Do you know your calling to help others find healing, alignment, and freedom, and want to get out of your own way so more people can be helped by your work?

Do you sense that you need to look inside yourself to get to this next level, because your work in the world is a reflection of the work you've done in yourself?

Join the Colorado Constellation Collaborative (CCC) composed by Elizabeth Lynn Rohr, Elmar Dornberger, Jessalyn Lange and Adam Harvey for this one-day workshop on Saturday, Nov 11th to explore deeper layers of group dynamics, and to be supported by a group as we look inward to get to the root of what needs to be seen to get to the next level of positive impact in the world.

We'll use Systemic Constellations to get deeper than we could by just talking about problems or solutions from our usual level of understanding.

Schedule: 10am - 5pm, Saturday, 11/11

9:45: Arrival

10:15am: Doors Close

10:15am: Meditation & Context Setting. What are you bringing to the Field?

10:30am-1pm: Small group constellation exercises crafted to support what's alive in the room

1-2pm: Lunch (bring your own or walk to restaurants nearby)

2-5pm: Larger group and/or further small group constellations

What are systemic constellations?

Systemic constellations work with the intelligence of morphogenetic fields (search Rupert Sheldrake + Morphogenetic Field, for more information) to allow us to see into the root of an issue, so we can find a new level of consciousness and understanding than what we had consciously known previously. When we can see the different elements of the system at play - be it ourselves, our family, our organization, or the world - represented in a 3D way, we can gain new perspectives that allows the system to re-organize in a more integral way.

Most of the time, when we're stuck in life, we are holding onto a particular perspective, which we believe to be correct, yet finding a more holistic perspective on the situation allows us to find more freedom.

Systemic constellations are most commonly known by a subset of the practice called Family Constellations, developed by Bert Hellinger.

Who is this training for?

While systemic constellations can help with a wide variety of deep-rooted issues, this particular workshop will focus on supporting those who work with others in a healing and supportive capacity. This can include (but is not limited to!) facilitators, coaches, therapists, energy healers, bodyworkers, and psychedelic practitioners.

It can be difficult to get good feedback about how group dynamics unfold - between our own blind spots, and other's reluctance to give potentially challenging reflections, we may not normally see what really shows up in group dynamics, or how a group really sees us. Exploring these questions within the constellation Field can give us actionable insight into how we can better show up in the world.

Perhaps you're interested in:

* Moving from 1:1 coaching to group work

* Turning your fear or anxiety into an asset

* Clarifying and expanding your offerings to the world

* Finding your co-facilitator, co-founder, or your next hire

* Presenting workshops or seminars at your industry conference

* Organizing or hosting that retreat you've dreamed of

Tickets are $255 regular admission, $200 early bird (register by October 30). We'll keep the group to no more than 20 participants to ensure robust support for each person.

About Us:

The Colorado Constellation Collaborative (CCC) is a group of facilitators in the Boulder & Denver, CO area who work together to provide opportunities for systemic and family constellations in the local area. The 4 of us (Elmar Dornberger, Elizabeth Lynn Rohr, Jessalyn Lange, Adam Harvey) had different paths to serving the the Constellation Field, but have come together to support our local communities.

This collaboration is, as far as we know, the only one of it's kind in the world where local constellation facilitators work together to provide a variety of events on a regular basis. We host 1-2 events per month together at Una Vida in Niwot (Boulder Country, CO) including workshops, community days, and intro nights. Each of us also support clients in our individual private practices.

You can find out more about us here:

November 9

FREE INTRO - Rest and Restore

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