Acupuncture (Esoteric, 5 Element, Shamanic Style)

Time: 1-2 hours

Cost: $180 for initial consultation, $125 for 1hr follow ups, $160 for 90-minute sessions

Gentle insertion of fine needles to activate the deeper vessels of the body, clearing out emotional debris and stuck consciousness within the physical form and the more refined energy fields. These treatments facilitate the activation of hidden aspects of the Self and consciousness. Assists in the healing and unwinding of trauma, cleaning of the vessel to more clearly channel, sets the stage for awakening, supports integration and grounding after deep medicine work, heals energetic parasites, balances the chakra system and facilitates more profound connection with one’s deepest truth. These benefits are all the same for sound healing sessions, which allow you to move from a psychological to spiritual state of awareness. 90 minute in-depth session are accompanied by spiritual counseling/channeling and activation work to set the stage for the rest of the treatment, as well as okyu moxa and/or fire cupping. My specialty is in working with the DNA vessels of the body, the 8 Extraordinary vessels of origin/creation that contain the divine blueprint of one’s soul purpose for incarnation within this lifetime.

Esoteric acupuncture treatments (as well as alchemical sound sessions) are sacred geometry activations geared towards those who are wanting to actively engage and participate in their treatments outside of scheduled sessions, rather than passively receive alone.

Alchemical Sound Healing

Time: 1.5-2 hours

Cost: $180

Years of training and practice have informed these sessions which utilize frequencies to open, turn on and clear the meridian systems of Chinese medicine, with different stars, planets, dwarf planets and cosmological movements corresponding to different aspects of the psyche as well as the organs, pathways, systems and substances of the body. These sessions are ceremonies that move you from the head and into the heart to receive understandings that go far beyond words and that which can be captured. Sound moves into the places of the body that have forgotten spirit, and the transformations that happen with devotion to this work usher you into a new world, a new state of awareness. This is the medicine of letting go, of release, of communion with the Unified Field.

Combined Acupuncture + Sound Session

Time: 2.5 - 3 hours

Cost: $275

Combining acupuncture and sound is a spiral of a session that offers you the space to go asde ep as you would like to go. Acupuncture, working at the level of the etheric body, helps to anchor and ground you in the process of receiving highly refined information and in the ovement of deep-seated trauma in the body.

Herbal Medicine + Eastern Nutritional Therapy

Time: 1 hour for initial consultation and formula write-up; 30-45 minutes for follow ups and modifications to formula if/as needed

Cost: Initial consultation + write up of customized formula $100 + cost of herbs, Follow ups are $60

Through the use of Chinese herbal medicine and a 5-element perspective, herbal formulas are customized to your specific energetic pattern to help support the work done when you physically come in for treatment. Different herbs correspond to different elements, temperaments and meridians and mirror acupuncture treatments. Using herbs is a way of supporting the earthing and integration process of high frequency sessions and being in communion with the plant spirits, each embodying their own consciousness and geometry. Eastern nutritional therapy is a ay of using food as medicine to help balance any disharmonies in the body, clear old, stagnant energy and provide nourishment where there has been depletion due to life circumstances, trauma, emotional disturbances, etc. Herbal formulas can also be specifically directed towards ealing energetic parasites.

Spiritual Counseling

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Cost: $155

***can be over video call or in person***

Fire Cupping & Moxibustion Sessions (Without acupuncture)

Time: 1 hour

Cost: $125

Moxibustion includes the use of tiny rice sized moxa or high quality Mugwort placed over specific acupuncture points and meridians on the body with prayer. The moxa can be compared to putting pure gold, pure light or consciousness into a channel to bring warmth where life is not moving. Fire cupping involves the use of medicinal herbal oils along with the suction of glass cups over the meridians of the back to help move and detoxify the lymphatic system, relax the nervous system and support the integration of any revelations or downloads received in or outside of treatment.

Holographic Distance Healing Sessions

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Cost: $160

***Includes a write-up of information that comes through to me in the Akashic realm**

What to Expect:

With the kind of sessions I offer, which delve into psychology, but primarily move beyond themind, it’ s difficult to give a clear description of expectations without being directly involved in this process. Where there are ambitions and goals, there is just an energy that allows you to get to the table and receive what was always meant to be received and understood. Whether you decide to receive acupuncture or alchemical sound work, you should come ready to go deep, to talk about the things that matter most, and to move into the trance of the heart. The transformations that occur with these treatments are subtle, and because of this, quite powerful. We are walking into new worlds and awarenesses together and this medicine work is setting the stage for your ever deepening awakening.

What to Bring/Wear:

✦ Make sure to eat something, even if it’s small, before your session. And come hydrated - this helps to keep you grounded in the body, and allows information and downloads received during to more fluidly through your system.

✦ If you bring a water bottle during your session with a small pinch of good quality salt, you can keep it open during sound sessions so that I can put the frequencies into the water for you to drink once the session has closed. This helps take the medicine deeper and keep you in the ceremonial space for longer.

✦ Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to make it easy to access the acupuncture points and meridians during your treatment.

It would be an honor to facilitate you in the unending revelation that is Life itself.

To book a complimentary consultation or session, you may email me at or send me a text at 201-677-2493.

Black Lotus Spirit Medicine

Natalie Ponce, Acupuncturist & Chinese Herbalist, Acutonics Sound Practitioner

Being a healer is a continuous spiritual unfolding for me, far beyond being a job. As humanity goes through great shift in consciousness, I feel blessed to be a part of that reaching for a more compassionate world. I am a practitioner of Chinese medicine and treat through a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine and sound therapy, I work to not only resolve any imbalance in the body, but to help you understand the download that hides behind the dis-ease. From the perspective of this tradition, any physical or emotional suffering we experience is always directly linked to our relationship to change and the natural world, whose movements reveal the way towards our own liberation. I believe that all pain is a calling to return home, to be present for what life itself wishes to awaken within us.

I received my training at the Eastern School of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine, where I completed my Master’s in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbology. After receiving my degree, I continued to deepen my understanding of this medicine through studies with masters such as 88 th generation Daoist priest Jeffrey Yuen, and Japanese master Kiiko Matsumoto, as well as through my own lived experiences, work and devotion in the realm of shamanic medicine within this present incarnation and previous lifetimes. My specialty is in psycho-spiritual healing, activation, integration and ascension work with a focus on the treatment of emotional imbalances and trauma. This is because of the inextricable connection this aspect of our earthly experience has to the ascension process. In practice, my treatment style is very gentle, intuitive and in flow with where you are in present time, with the ways you will continue to change every moment of every day. I place a high emphasis on treating from the heart, through divine guidance, and holding space to truly see and hear any soul I am working with.

It would be an honor to facilitate you in the unending revelation that is Life itself.
To book a complimentary consultation or session, you may email me at or send me a text at 201-677-2493.