Oracle Energy Healer & Life Doula

60-90 minute appointments

Sliding Scale: $88 - $108

Initial sessions are 90 minutes

Hello Friends.

You may be wondering what is a Life Doula? I use this word instead of “Coach” because I believe you have your own innate wisdom that has simply been forgotten. During our sessions together I support you in Re-membering that you are the Energy of Love and to trust this Loving presence. Through questioning your limiting beliefs and recircuiting/realigning your energic fields, you are able to Live the Life you imagined and more.  

Some of the benefits from our time together are:

- Being held in meeting yourself with unconditional love and understanding while releasing generation beliefs and energies. 

- Living the Energy of Love that is You and noticing when you have forgotten with gentleness and compassion.

- Leading with your Heart, enabling your mind to trust and create from Love 

- Embracing your Passion with Joy and Curiosity

- Allowing all of you to BE in the present moment, where ever you are, with Unconditional Love

-Trusting your Innate Intuitive Nature

- Inviting Community, Connection, and Unconditional Love to support you in your journey.

To learn more visit or call me with any questions you may have at 317-517-8500.

Jojo uses the word “Life Doula” instead of “Life Coach” since she sees herself supporting you in Birthing and Re-membering the Love that is YOU, this Love that has always been waiting to be lived. Jojo’s presence meets you as a Whole, Wise, and Loving Being. Enabing you to Birth and Re-member this innate truth for yourself.

Whether you are coming in for a soothing Energy Session, or to unravel energies and thoughts to reawaken your creative Soulful self, it is Jojo’s passion to share her heart of service and Joy with you in excavating what needs to be healed to come home to your Loving Heart.

She lives in Gratitude with over 40 yrs of sobriety. On her journey back home to Re-membering herself, she was taught Multidimensional Energy Healing in 2002 and became a Reiki Master. She has lived the Work of Byron Katie since 2004 and became a Certified Facilitator in 2012. It has been her honor to serve in Byron Katie’s addiction recovery center for 10yrs, and staffed 12 of her nine-day Schools for The Work. In 2021 she became a Certified Coach of The Energy Codes of Dr. Sue Morter and her empathic and Clairsentient gifts she had experienced since she was little came back to life.