Qigong Energy-Body Treatments
Initial Session 2 hours: $250 Follow up Sessions 1 hour: $135
Sliding scale available upon request
Debbie has been practicing and studying Qigong for almost 10 years. She is a trained Qigong Energy-Body Healer, and Teacher of Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong. She blends a sweet balance of energetics understanding the deep value and complexity in caring for ourselves with her 20 years of practice as a psychotherapist. Over the years she has helped many increase their quality of life, shed old untruths, create pathways to release grief and trauma, and navigate life’s waves with grace.
Treatments provide energy-body healing and balancing. Based on Qigong 5-element principles of wood, fire, earth, metal and water, key treatments are individualized for you. People often describe feeling more at peace and calm following a treatment. An in-depth assessment is completed at the start of each treatment to clear energy you may be carrying that is not yours, release twists and stagnation, bring clarity to organ and spirit meridian channels, open and clear chakras, balance energy fields. People have shared the treatment has similarities to a Reiki session.
Treatments are safe and effective for all ages. Common reasons people seek out treatment:
Challenges with sleep
Digestive issues
On-going health concerns not resolving from western treatment alone
History of trauma
High anxiety
Seeking general reset and clearing for ongoing overall health
Benefits can include:
Increase energy
Reduce stress and anxiety
Nourish organs and tissues
Increase focus and clarity
Deep restfulness
Improve overall well-being
Strengthen immune system
Compliments other treatment modalities
You can learn more about Debbie’s treatments and other offerings at www.ancientnew.com .